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Ronda's Bio

Ronda Savel is the cofounder of Chords of Harmony Ministries. She is a devoted wife, loving mother and passionate advocate of covenant marriages.


Ronda’s professional work experience includes her success as a teacher, freelance writer, sales executive, nonprofit manager, content marketing writer and published author.

Ronda’s kingdom work experience began when she left her successful sales executive career and became a stay at home mom. She has been blessed by God with the opportunity to stay at home and raise her two beautiful daughters. She resumed her love for teaching as a homeschool educator making it her personal mission to equip her two daughters with solid Christian values. Along this journey, both her daughters encountered health issues that involved drastic changes in their nutritional needs. Their nutritional challenges required Ronda to seek new healthier holistic ways of feeding her family. Today, she has healthy loving relationships with both of her young adult daughters and continues to be an advocate for them through prayer and coaching. Family time is still at the top of her priority list when the girls are available.

Ronda offers coaching to wives who are frustrated in their marriages to non-Christian husbands to honor their marriage covenant by loving their husbands according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. As a new believer, Ronda encountered her own marital challenges with Bob who finally accepted Christ five years later. God taught her the power of prayer, love and honor during this time of being unequally yoked in her marriage.


Being a product of divorce, which resulted after her alcoholic mother left home without notice, Ronda grew up living her life and making choices from a broken heart. She brought this brokenness into her marriage and parenting. Through her own healing journey, she has learned to implement God’s restorative Truths to reveal all lies that were at the root of her brokenness. Today she joins Bob in their mission to see individuals and couples walk in spiritual, emotional, and physical freedom. Because healthy relationship begins with healthy Christ centered individuals.

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